我們是一個一站式日本網上購物平台。 不論您身處何方,我們也可以為您買到您想要的日本網上產品,然後直接送遞給您。


  • 置身日本的購物體驗

    BUY FROM JAPAN可讓您彷彿置身日本般購物。我們對電子商務及網上購物的經驗可幫您從日本買到任何產品。

  • 支援多國語言

    BUY FROM JAPAN的每一個職員都能支援英文,日文,中文。即使您不明白日文,我們都能為您服務。

  • 無國界購物

    從此在日本購物已經無國界之分。只要您告訴我們。BUY FROM JAPAN都會為您購買產品然後轉送到您的國家。

  • 全球代購服務

    BUY FROM JAPAN是日本郵便的官方合作夥伴,能為全球任何國家提供代購服務。


  • 購物分享折扣優惠


  • Temporary suspension of acceptance and delivery delays of Japan Post due to the COVID-19 pandemic

    Japan Post has announced a list of countries where mailing services have been temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Please refer to the official announcement page to find out if your country is affected.

    At the moment, operations of BUY FROM JAPAN remain opened. There might might be minor delays for orders to reach our warehouse due to slower deliveries but our overall services are unaffected.
    All of our staffs are working from home.

    At BUY FROM JAPAN, we hope that everyone please stay safe during this difficult time.

  • Policies of combining orders are updated

    We have updated our policies of combining orders:
    1. Only a maximum number of 2 orders are allowed to be combined for processing.
    2. Customers must combine the orders to a grand total of at least 3000 yen.

    These measures are meant to process your orders more effectively in a more timely manner.
    Thank you for you continuous support and understanding.