Item Information

Thank you for your order!
Please provide us more information about your order.

How It Works

  1. Step 1 - Order

    Provide us details of the product you want: URL, images, price, instructions, etc.

  2. Step 2 - Pay

    Our staff will give you a quotation of the product including tax and shipping costs to our warehouse. Our commission fee is 10% of the product cost.
    Product cost = product price + tax + local shipping cost
    Total cost = product cost x 1.10

  3. Step 3 - Deliver

    Our staff will give you a quotation of the shipping cost to your destination country. After receiving your payment of the shipping cost we will ship the item to you.

¥ Price in Japanese Yen (per item) x (Quantity) = ¥

Tell us more about the item as much as possible so that we can help you find it quickly and correctly.

Let us know if you have any other special instructions or preferences regarding your order.

Contact Information

Please ensure that you provide us with your complete shipping address excluding the country. This is the address we use to ship your product, and we are not responsible for any loss due to incorrect input of the shipping address.